Using the tests

To check a PR by pr-author with pr-branch-name for regression, build this tests site locally using the PR branch as folows:

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Run JTD_ORG=pr-author JTD_REF=pr-branch-name bundle install.

  3. Run JTD_ORG=pr-author JTD_REF=pr-branch-name bundle exec jekyll serve.

  4. Check visually that the various tests give the expected results.

  5. Check that the HTML in _site is the same as built with the latest release of the theme.

The following shell command may be useful for checking HTML, ignoring differences in whitespace and metadata:

diff -rw -x "*.js*" -x "*.map" -I "published_time" -I "dateModified" -I "<meta property=" -I "<link rel=" -I "@context" _site _site-v0.m.n | more