Navigation exclusion

  1. Check that this excluded and titled 404 page does not appear in the navigation panel.

  2. Check that this untitled page does appear in the navigation panel, because untitled pages in collections get default titles.1

  3. Check that this excluded and untitled page does not appear in the navigation panel.

  4. Check that this excluded top level, child, and grandchild page does not appear in the navigation panel.

  5. Check that this non-excluded top level page appears; and that this non-excluded child page or grandchild page appears when its parent appears.

  6. Check that this non-excluded child page and grandchild page does not appear when its parent is excluded.

  7. Check that ordinary pages do not become excluded when a collection is added. For example, the navigation panel of this site should start with a link to Home.

  1. The default title in a collection is based on the file name, but this is undocumented