Modular layouts

  1. Check that _config.yml sets:

      blanklines: true
  2. Build this site using the theme commit just before merging PR #1058:

    remote_theme: just-the-docs/just-the-docs@4469f45cbd3d92c3df8da6e26ffd3c7fa86f5737
  3. Rename _site to _site_old.

  4. Build this site using the theme commit just after merging PR #1058:

    remote_theme: just-the-docs/just-the-docs@2495d3e6bb5720ae23e35caf16888f0c7f37ede0
  5. Run the following shell command in the root directory of this site:

    diff -rEBwtb -x "*.js*" -I "published_time\|dateModified" _site_old/ _site/ > diff.txt
  6. Check that diff.txt contains only the following:

  7. Remove _includes/search_placeholder_custom.html.