
  1. Build and serve this site locally with a _config.yml that does not mention mermaid.

  2. Check that _site/index.html contains only two occurrences of mermaid or Mermaid (in the navigation) and that the file ends with </div> </body> </html>.

  3. Check that the Javascript console does not report any errors when you browse this site.

Version 9.4.3

  1. Add the following settings to _config.yml:

      version: "9.4.3"

    then rebuild and serve this site locally.

  2. Check that the Javascript console does not report any errors when you browse this site.

  3. Check that the appearance of the following mermaid diagram is as expected:

    graph TD;
  4. Create _includes/mermaid_config.js with contents:

      theme: "forest"

    then rebuild and serve this site locally.

  5. Check that the appearance of the previous mermaid diagram has changed as expected.

  6. Remove or rename _includes/mermaid_config.js.

Version 10.1.0

  1. Update the mermaid settings in _config.yml to:

      version: "10.1.0"

    then rebuild and serve this site locally.

  2. Check that the Javascript console does not report any errors when you browse this site, and that the appearance of the mermaid diagram above is as expected.

Local mermaid library

Version 9.4.3

  1. Download version 9.4.3 of version 9.4.3 of mermaid.min.js and version 9.4.3 of to /assets/js/mermaid-9.4.3/.

  2. Update the mermaid settings in _config.yml to:

      version: "9.4.3"
      path: "/assets/js/mermaid-9.4.3/mermaid.min.js"

    then rebuild and serve this site locally.

  3. Check that the Javascript console does not report any errors when you browse this site, and that the appearance of the mermaid diagram above is as expected.

Version 10.1.0

  1. Download the entire contents of mermaid@10.1.0/dist/ (e.g., using wget -r).

  2. Update the mermaid settings in _config.yml to:

      version: "10.1.0"
      path: "/assets/js/mermaid-10.1.0/mermaid.esm.min.mjs"

    then rebuild and serve this site locally.

  3. Check that the Javascript console does not report any errors when you browse this site, and that the appearance of the mermaid diagram above is as expected.